Personal Growth

Personal Growth

There’s no better time to change perspective and gain knowledge that will help you succeed than now. This page has some resources you may find valuable in taking steps to shift your thought process and learn some helpful tips about making change…

4 Things Productive People Don’t Do

Drop these bad habits and your productivity will soar…

  1. Working in marathons instead of sprints
  2. Coping with distractions instead of eliminating them
  3. Using fear and criticism to motivate yourself
  4. Doing other people’s work instead of your own
    Read the full article here…
S.M.A.R.T Goals

The Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based acronym is an effective framework for setting goals…

Sometimes the easiest concepts require the most attention.

For more details on how to achieve your SMART Goals, follow this link …